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Stop Anti-Asian Hate: Resources
By Gabby Womack/Bookish AfroLatina
Sex Workers, Respect, and Safety
By Gabby Womack/Bookish AfroLatina
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The purpose of this Antiracism Resources guide is to provide faculty, staff, and students with a primer for understanding racism, antiracism, white privilege, allyship, and antiracist pedagogy. This guide also offers starting material on racism and antiracism in each field of study offered at Merrimack College, divided by schools. Some of the sections have been combined or are shorter than others due to the scarcity of sources in that field of study. We have also included a section dedicated to support materials for Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC).
In no way does this guide summarize the resources available related to all oppressed identities. We welcome feedback and suggestions for this research guide. Please email your suggestions to Gabby Womack at womackg@merrimack.edu.
Throughout this guide you will find resources on Black History (mostly in the United States) ranging from books and film to podcasts and websites. These resources will come from within McQuade Library as well as outside of the Merrimack College community.
Throughout this guide you will find resources on Women's History (mostly in the United States) ranging from books and film to podcasts and websites. These resources will come from within McQuade Library as well as outside of the Merrimack College community. Please feel free to email Librarian Gabby Womack (womackg@merrimack.edu) with any information you think would be great to add to this guide.
Gabby is a librarian, archivist, and historian with a passion for uncovering and sharing stories by and about underrepresented groups (BIPOC, LGBTQ+, Disabled, and more). You can find her at www.bookishafrolatina.com and her Instagram @bookish_afrolatina. Talia Hibbert is a NYT bestselling author of 17 sexy, diverse romances and you can find her on her website www.taliahibbert.com and her Instagram @taliahibbert.
Living Out Loud: Storytelling for Social Change - Women's & Gender Studies | Merrimack College
EPISODE 5: Unapologetically Black: A Dialogue on Blackness and the U.S. Census
Almost from the start, the US Census has been a site of controversy. In this episode, librarian Gabby Womack shares her research with host/producer Dr. Debra Michals and graduate student Tiana Lawrence about 1930s changes in Census categories that had an impact on how people of color were counted, as well as the complicated history of "passing" and the experience of being black in the US.
Living Out Loud: Storytelling for Social Change - Women's & Gender Studies | Merrimack College
EPISODE 6: Beyond Black History Month
In honor of February being Black History Month, Director of Merrimack College's new Master of Social Work program Dr. Shannon Butler-Mokoro and librarian Gabby Womack discuss the history of Black History Month and explain how diversifying education can extend Black History beyond a single month and into history curriculum. Hosted by producer Michael Senoff, students Cobbina Appiah, Derrick Harris, and Jackson Fortune-O'Brien join the conversation and share their experiences as student leaders and their experiences as agents of history and advocates of diversity.
Living Out Loud: Storytelling for Social Change - Women's & Gender Studies | Merrimack College
EPISODE 10: Women’s History Month Special Live Episode — Reimagining Intersectional Justice: The Promise of Transnational Feminist Solidarity
This episode is a live recording of an event at Merrimack College on March 16, 2021. The panel discussion featured guest speaker Dr. Margo Okazawa-Rey joined by MC faculty Dr. Simona Sharoni, professor of Women's and Gender Studies and Special Assistant to the President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Dr. Debra Michals, Assistant Professor of Women's & Gender Studies, Dr. Bahia Munem, Lecturer in Women's & Gender Studies, and Gabrielle "Gabby" Womack, Librarian and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Ambassador. Dr. Okazawa-Rey, Professor Emerita San Francisco State University, is an activist and educator working on issues of militarism, armed conflict, and violence against women examined intersectionally. She is a founding member of the Combahee River Collective and has long-standing activist commitments in South Korea and Palestine, working closing with Du Re Bang/My Sisters Place and Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling. Dr. Okazawa-Rey also hosts a virtual transnational feminist dance party; to join or for more information email her at mor@sfsu.edu.
The event was presented by the President's Initiative on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with co-sponsorship from the Department of Women's and Gender Studies.